Creative bodies, Movements and Live - Vulnerable performance

Over 60 migrants from 31 countries got engaged in our educational programs in costume design, scenography, dance and music. Over 15 of them engaged in onstage performance called Creative Bodies, Movements and Live - Vulnerable Performance, the artistic expression around the topic of vulnerability, crossroads and inclusion.

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creative bodies in movement: PREPARATORY WORKSHOPS

The final set of educational programs within Creative Bodies in Movement, the preparatory workshops and engagement in a stage performance production, will be taking place from 13 to 28 February. The workshops are organised as individual counselling by renowned artists and mentors to help participants prepare and give public presentation of the project.

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creative bodies in movement

Creative Bodies in Movement, organised around different workshops in field of performing arts, is a project aimed at engaging migrants to act productively and creatively. The workshops will enable the participants to gain skills and knowledge necessary for creating and giving a closing public presentation, which will witness participants' newly acquired skills and progress and close the project in February 2023.

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